Old Salem Museums and Gardens is open February to December each year. Old Salem Museums and Gardens will be closed for the month of January each year.
Regular operations and the administration office are closed for following holidays: New Year’s Day (January 1), Martin Luther King Day (third Monday in January), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Junteenth (June 19), Labor Day (first Monday in September), Thanksgiving (fourth Thursday in November), Christmas Eve (December 24th), and Christmas Day (December 25th).
Wednesday to Saturday, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (excluding special events)
All-In-One Tickets are available on-site (at the Visitor Center, the Frank L. Horton Museum Center, and Winkler Book & Gift.) and can be purchased in advance here. Tickets give visitors:
Regular Advance All-In-One Tickets are $30 per adult, $16 per student/child (undergraduate students must show a college ID), plus tax; free entry for children 0-3 years old.
Two-Stop Tickets are available on-site only at the Visitor Center and the Frank L. Horton Museum Center. Two-Stop Tickets give visitors access to two ticketed venues, including the Self-Guided Galleries in the Frank L. Horton Museum Center. Two-Stop Tickets (valid February 5 to November 8, 2024) are $22 per adult, $12 per student/child (undergraduate students must show a college ID), plus tax; free entry for children 0-3 years old.
Old Salem Visitor Center
900 Old Salem Rd, Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Frank L. Horton Museum Center
924 S. Main St, Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Winkler Bakery (2nd Floor)
521 S. Main St, Winston-Salem, NC 27101
All pricing is subject to change. Old Salem Inc. reserves the right to make adjustments to ticket pricing and product & service offerings.
Old Salem Visitor Center
Heritage Bridge
Galleries in the Frank L. Horton Museum Center (including The Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts) Open for research and collection studies by appointment beyond regular operating hours. Tickets required for entry.
Timothy Vogler Gun Shop Tickets required for entry.
Salem Tavern Museum Tickets required for entry.
St. Philips African Moravian Church Tickets required for entry. Temporarily closed, but re-opening soon!
The Blum House Joinery Workshop Tickets required for entry.
John Vogler House Tickets required for entry.
Single Brothers’ House Tickets required for entry.
Boys’ School Tickets required for entry.
Miksch House & Garden Tickets required for entry.
Doctor’s House Tickets required for entry.
Horticulture Education Building Tickets required for entry.