Old Salem Career Fair
Wednesday, July 6, 2022 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM James A. Gray Auditorium
Do you love working with people? History? Working with your hands? Calling all public history professionals, craftspeople, and educators. Our museum interpreter positions are a combination of educating, research, and the nitty gritty details of making and doing.
Old Salem Museums and Gardens is hosting two Career Fairs in July! We are searching for talents to fill multiple Part-Time and Full-Time Educator positions and join our Learning in Place team! Prioritized skills include: Woodworking, Metal working, Gardening, Weaving, Historical Foodways, Public speaking/Theater, Black/Indigenous History, Hands-on education, and Pottery. Bring your resume and come join us!
In keeping with the objectives of Old Salem Museums and Gardens’ Learning in Place (LIP) initiative, the Educator is an integral member of the LIP department, charged with moving Old Salem forward as a place of continued discovery, learning, and sharing. As a collaborative member of LIP team, the Educator participates in the development of place-based learning opportunities for the K-12 school community, as well as walk-in visitors and adult group tours. The Educator is a significant contributor to the development of the department, aiding in creating a professional culture that emphasizes quality, continuous improvement and high performance. The Educator is also an effective team member across all facets of OSMG’s operations.
The Career Fairs will be at the Gray Auditorium of the Old Salem Visitor Center on Wednesday, July 6th and Wednesday, July 27 from 9AM to 4PM. Mark your calendar! We can’t wait to see you!
Go to oldsalem.org/employment-opportunities for more details!