Annual Fund

Thank you for your consideration in making a gift to Old Salem!
Let us tell you how an unrestricted gift makes a great impact…

Gifts to the Annual Fund directly support our mission to strengthen our local educational programming and our nationally recognized preservation and conservation efforts.  Your giving also helps us create a landscape reminiscent of early Salem where utility, practicality, and beauty unite.  Your appreciation for and commitment to Old Salem is the catalyst that helps us generate more than $45 million in local economic activity, educate more than 45,000 school children, support over 1,000 local jobs and provide unique historical museum experiences daily here at Old Salem for a total of over 440,000 visitors annually.  We appreciate your generosity and look forward to seeing you in Old Salem!

For more information please contact the Office of Development at (336) 721-7339.  You may also reach us by email at